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Narrative: Welcome to Insights on Healing Podcast. Our Episode title is, why you should sing, shout, and thank God. You will learn the reasons for worshiping God.
I am Joan M. Blake, an author, and I am your host. Insights on Healing Podcast includes the reading of scripture, praying, reading from one of my books, or interviewing individuals who found purpose in their lives through the healing power of God.
The purpose of this podcast is to provide content which brings emotional healing and restoration to mothers who have had a difficult past and are currently experiencing difficulties. A focal point of this podcast is reflecting on scripture and praying for my audience. I pray as you listen to this episode, that God would bless you with inner strength, purpose, and provide you with the hope that you have been longing for.
Psalm 95
1 Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving
and extol him with music and song.
3 For the Lord is the great God,
the great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are the depths of the earth,
and the mountain peaks belong to him.
5 The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
6 Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;
7 for he is our God
and we are the people of his pasture,
the flock under his care.
Reflection: We come into God’s presence alone or with other believers singing, shouting, thanking God, and worshiping God for who He is. He is the author and finisher of our faith; he is the king of kings, Lord of Lords, and Lord over heaven and earth. Even the mountains, the sea, the lands, the sky, the moon, and the birds of the air to mention a few, belong to Him for he made them all. He made us also; we are his flock, and He came to set us free from our sins. Let us kneel down and worship him, not only when we need to receive from him, but to worship him for who He is, Our God who loves us.
Let us Pray:
Father, we come to you acknowledging you as our God, the Mighty One, the one who sent Jesus to die on the cross and set us free from our sins. We recognize that we could not free ourselves, but it was by your grace that we were set free. We know the time is now that we need to reverence you as our Lord and Savior, our king of Kings and Lord of Lords, that you have full control, power, and ownership of the heavens and the earth, and seek your face with joy, with shouting, and praise for who you are and not for what we can receive from you. We ask that you humble us Lord and remove our selfishness and pride that keep us from worshiping you and we pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.
Thank you for listening to “Insights on Healing Podcast. If you enjoy the Podcast, please subscribe wherever you listen to your podcast or subscribe to my channel, Overcoming Life Issues, with Joan M. Blake, author. I want to also encourage you to join our monthly newsletter at https://joanmblake.com and to purchase inspirational books that I have written. I will be offering a free class on January 23 at 7pm entitled Reflect and Discover Who You Are. To Register go to my website at https:/joanmblake.com/courses. If you need prayer, please send me an email at Joan@joanmblake.com. Happy Holidays and may God bless and keep you in the New Year in Jesus’ name, Amen.
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