I am not a Counselor, but I have mentored quite a few people and I am a person who has had my share of life issues. The question is: “What to do when life issues are keeping you down?”
Let us picture a person who feels down. He/she may feel fearful of the outcome of his/her life. Fear may turn into anxiety and worry, which may tend to turn into depression. When you feel depressed you are submitting to a feeling that may hinder you in many ways. Some people may feel that they can’t go on, so they may decide to stay in bed and do nothing. Depression can lead to over-eating or under eating and can then affect other areas of your life (which are outside the scope of this article).
Before embarking on a feeling which leads to so many issues, think about ways that you can help yourself and others. Here are a some:
1. Pray through the issues. When you pray, you are asking God for strength and you are submitting the issues to him. Didn’t God say to” ‘Come to me all you who are weary and are heavy laden and I will give you rest?’ “(Matt11:28)
2. Read and study God’s word for His words are life {Phil 2:16).
3. Know that you are God’s child and He will never leave or forsake you (Joshua 1:5).
4. Do not concentrate on the issues to the point where they take complete control over your life; concentrate on God and keep your faith alive (Heb11:1).
5. Involve yourself in Charity work so you can help others. Freely you have received, freely you should give (Matt 10:8) .
6. Take good care of yourself, eat healthy and exercise regularly. Doing so will help your mind and body.
7. Maintain good relationships and have a prayer partner with whom you can pray.
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