Do you know who you are? Have you been living in a rut and can not find a way out? Are you just living in mediocrity? Do you know your purpose in this life or are there stumbling blocks preventing you from reaching your purpose? Have you remained captive by negative thoughts? I have written a book titled: Discovering Yourself through Journaling: Finding Confidence, Courage and Purpose in Your Life. Coaching sessions and classes will be based on this resource. I welcome you to join either my coaching or my online classes where you will discover yourself through journaling.
I am excited to introduce you to a free class: “Discovering Yourself through Journaling: Finding Confidence, Courage, and Purpose in your life. “ based on my latest book with the same name. This introductory offer is for people who are serious about dealing with issues that have kept them in captivity, putting their past behind and moving forward to find purpose in their lives. If you are serious, then come to this free session which will take place on . Your life will never be the same. Send email to greetings@joanmblake to receive the zoom link. I look forward to your participation.❤🌹😊
Book a free chat session
This 30-minute free session gives you an opportunity to be acquainted with the resources I offer and decide the resource which is most appropriate for your needs.
Reflect and Discover Who You Are (Postponed Indefinitely)
Get your cup of tea or coffee and meet with me virtually on Thursday January 23, 2025 from 7:pm to 8:30pm to discover who you are. We will deal with real life-issues and relationships.
The price for this course is $0.00
Join my 6-week Introductory Journal to Discovery class
In this class, you will delve into your past, by sparking your memory, and journaling to determine how you lived, what you experienced and the impact your past has had on your current life.
This costs includes a copy of my book, Discovering Yourself through Journaling: Finding Confidence, Courage, and Purpose in Your Life.
I am launching our first class on Wednesday, April 2 2025 at 7pm for an hour. Thereafter, we will meet on April 9, 16,, 23, 30, and May 7 for an hour. Please book the course in time to receive your book. Payments are made upfront for the entire course.
Join my 6-week Intermediate Journal to Discovery class
In this class, you will focus on your current life-situations through journaling; you will connect the dots from your past and uproot troublesome areas as you journey on the road to discover who you are.
Join my 8-week Advanced Journal to Discovery class
In this class, you will study Scripture and have a clear understanding of who you are from God’s perspective. You will answer questions regarding your purpose and position yourself to walk in it.