The purpose of this article is to affirm that Jesus Christ is alive. I want to go a step further and discuss, what I believe, is the significance of his resurrection. His resurrection is significant in that we are accepted into God’s family; we understand that Jesus intercedes on our behalf before the Father; and we can have hope and live in newness of life.
We are familiar with the Resurrection story. Jesus died and rose again the third day. This was not a figment of someone’s imagination, but a fact. Mary Magdalene, a follower of Jesus, a woman who Jesus healed, approached the tomb on the first day of the week and realized that the tomb was empty. She informed Apostles, Peter and John, who confirmed that the linens together with the cloth that was wrapped around Jesus’ head were lying there. The Gospel account did not end there. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene at the tomb. She recognized his voice when he said: “Mary.” She reached out to embrace him but could not. Jesus had not yet ascended to His Father. Mary Magdalene, on the advice of Jesus, ran and told the others that she had seen the Lord. On the evening of that very day, Jesus appeared to his disciples. He showed them his hands and side. They knew he was the Lord. Thomas was not present and did not believe the account. When Jesus appeared to the disciples one week later, he showed Thomas his hands as well as his side. Jesus appeared to Peter, Thomas, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples while they were fishing at the Sea of Galilee. Jesus called out to them and instructed them to throw their net on the right side of the boat. They were able to catch a large amount of fish. When they landed, Jesus had prepared a fire and some fish for them to eat. The above information, taken from the Gospel of John, Chapters 20 and 21, proves that Jesus Christ, Our Savior, is alive today.
His resurrection signifies that Jesus was victorious over death. Death could not keep him in the ground. Jesus paid our sin debts in full clearing the way for God to forgive us of our sins and have direct relationship with us. God sent His Holy Spirit to live and reign in our hearts. The Holy Spirit guides us into all things and tells us of things to come (John 16:13). He marks us with a seal for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). When we feel alone, we are not alone, for God’s Holy Spirit is always with us.
Because of the resurrection, Jesus sits on the throne of grace, as our High Priest, the One who intercedes for us before the Father (Hebrews 7:23-24). All of our prayers are heard and answered according to God’s will. We have nothing to fear. If God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? If God sent his son to die for us, he will continue to do immeasurable things for us.
Jesus’ resurrection signifies hope and newness of life. We can escape the things of the past that have held us hostage and move forward by implementing God’s plans for our lives. Easter is a time to take a spiritual inventory of ourselves by allowing the Holy Spirit to shine His light, to reveal, and to cleanse us from every wind of darkness that may be overshadowing us. Only God’s Holy Spirit can do that for us. We can’t do it ourselves because we are blinded by darkness and cannot see the need to come to the light. Your darkness could be a co-dependent relationship that has lingered, a financial struggle that you are facing, inability to deal with religious pride, not walking in the will of God, living with un-forgiveness, anger or fear. Whatever your darkness may be, you can come to the light. Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12). He does not judge you because of your past or the errors you have made along life’s journey. He loves you (John 3:16) and wants to give you a second chance at life. Repent of your sins. Forgive the person who has kept you in bondage. Forgive yourself.
Submit every area of your life to God’s control and watch God enfold plans and direction for your life before your eyes. Study God’s word and trust in Him. God will remove stumbling blocks that deter you from walking in the plan God ordained for you before the foundation of this world (Jeremiah 29:11). Be careful; do not allow anyone to fool you. When you look at the grass on your lawn, you see the green grass growing alongside the weeds, but in order to have a beautiful lawn, you must remove the weeds before they control the natural green grass. As God’s children, we must discern God’s plans and listen to God’s voice rather than man’s. Be open to doing God’s will and His will alone. Do not be derailed from your purpose by remaining trapped in your past. Die to those things that keep you in bondage. You know what they are. Move forward with fervor, looking only to the One who is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), to Jesus, our way maker, our deliverer (Psalm 18:2), our restorer (Isaiah 58:12 KJV), the faithful and just one (1 John 1:9), the door (John 10:9), our hope (Psalm 71:5), and our peace (Ephesians 2:14). Be renewed! Come to Jesus and live!
May the grace of God, through Jesus Christ, infiltrate your life this Resurrection Season.
In His Service,
Joan M. Blake
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