Today is Sunday, November 10, 2013. I don’t know how you are feeling today but I have great news for you! You are precious in God’s sight. You have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and redeemed from your sins by grace, which is freely given (Ephesians 1:6). When God made you He made you unique. There is no one on the face of the earth like you. God gave you a special gift …
My Little Angel
Have you ever been touched by an angel? I read a story a while ago of a mother who did not have food to feed her family and someone placed a bag of food on her door step. The person did not leave his/her name, address, or telephone number. That mother knew that an angel had met her needs. This past Saturday, November 2, 2013, I conducted a workshop on “The Art of Journaling …
Forego Jealousy, Regrets, Guilt or Unforgiveness
God sent his Son Jesus to pay your sin debt in full. When Jesus died he paid for the world sins including your sins and mine. Remember you are now accepted and you no longer are defined by your past sins. It is by grace you were saved not as a result of your own works for grace is a gift of God. Because you have been redeemed by grace, does not give you permission to sin. You …
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Change the Variable in Your Life to Receive Your Desired Objective
What will you like to see happen in your life? Do you desire peace? Get rid of the unrest in your life. If that unrest has to do with dealing with another individual, have a conversation with that person and tell him/her what you notice about your relationship with him/her. It may take time to work things out. If the situation seems out of control, you may need to take it to …
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This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it Psalm 118:24 KJV).
This is the scripture verse that I quoted at our daughter’s wedding. I wanted to recite this before reading the scripture verses for which I was assigned. I discussed the above verse with our daughter and her bridesmaids and they felt that I should say anything that the Lord had led me to say. I felt compelled to say the scripture that was on my mind. I thought of the many …
Who are you? What Do You Think About Yourself?
I wanted to discuss this subject because all of us are so busy in our personal/business lives that we have not stopped to think about who we are or what we think of ourselves. Our relationships extend to our immediate family, friends, co-workers, church members and also to our extended family members including our parents and siblings. These relationships, particularly with our …
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God Makes the Impossible, Possible
I have seen God work in my family’s life in many unique ways. As we attended our daughter Monique’s great wedding this past weekend-the wedding that we have planned for so long, we knew that our prayers will be answered. We had no idea that God would give us much more than we asked for. Our daughter Jo-An was part of the wedding party. We didn’t think she could handle walking …
Spend Time with Your Family
For the past few months I have been busy with my family. Being involved in the lives of the people to whom God has entrusted to us to love and to enjoy, is a tremendous responsibility, one we should not ignore or forget. Whether you are a Pastor, an Evangelist, a teacher, a Principal, a stay at home parent, a business owner, an employee or a student, let us remember our …
Looking Forward to a Time of Refreshing
On April 18, 2013, citizens of Boston as with other years felt the excitement and the thrill as they took their places next to one another in the race to prove who had the best time. The Marathon gives others who are physically handicapped opportunities to run this race as well. It is a time when Boston and all who come from different countries come together in unity and in …
Christ’s Resurrection and its Significance for our Lives
The purpose of this article is to affirm that Jesus Christ is alive. I want to go a step further and discuss, what I believe, is the significance of his resurrection. His resurrection is significant in that we are accepted into God’s family; we understand that Jesus intercedes on our behalf before the Father; and we can have hope and live in newness of life. We are …
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How to Overcome Anxiety the Biblical Way
Free defines anxiety as: 1.(a) A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties (b) A cause of anxiety: For some people, air travel is a real anxiety. 2.Psychiatry: A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and …
Do Not Procrastinate; Fulfill Your Dream
In my previous post, I discussed how my husband and I were in a car accident, how we accidentally came off the highway and landed on a guard-rail. As a result of this accident, I have gone through moments of insecurity, experiencing fear of driving at night, fear driving a rental car and my replacement car. I have not felt the same. I have also had to pray and remember that God …